STEP™ Online Assessment and Data Management System
The STEP™ Online Assessment and Data Management System is a web-based, real-time assessment and data analytic system.
Teachers enter data directly into the platfrom via laptop during 1-1 assesment. These data are immediately available for scoring and analysis. Data results can be viewed at the network, district, school, grade, classroom, group and individual student levels. Reports and exports are also available at every level, depending on permission settings. Users can view current and historical assessment data. Data can be displayed to highlight trends, achievement, growth and progress toward goals. This flexibility assists teachers in making necessary adjustments to literacy instruction. Administrators, coaches, teacher leaders, and STEP personnel use the data to identify and develop professional learning plans to support overall teacher development and student improvement.
The STEP Online Assessment Data Management system affords leaders and teachers the following:
- Assess students in real-time
- Study and learn from both historical and current aggregate reports to assess progress over time
- Views of data for the teacher's classroom, groups and/or individual students
- Aggregated data for multiple classrooms, schools, and the district/network
- Training embedded into STEP professional learning, plus access to year-round phone and email technical support
STEP Online Assessment System
STEP's web-based system supports the administration of literacy assessments. As a student works through the various components of the assessment, the teacher will be capturing and entering data into the online platform via laptop in real-time.
STEP Data Management System
The School Wall provides a high-level picture of where each grade and student within a school is currently achieving. This view is also available at the grade, group, and classroom levels. Individual classrooms and students are easily arrived at through linked pages.

STEP District/Network Displays
STEP District/Network Displays make it possible to look at overall achievement levels and growth by district/network, school and grade level. These views also allow administrators to view whether assessment results have been entered, scored, and completed at any given time.

STEP Individual Student Display
STEP Student Level Displays focus on the details of assessment components. Users can view target levels and student results for each component, such as rate, fluency, and comprehension. Component analysis is available all the way down to the item level. Item level data can be aggregaed across STEP levels and classrooms. Student Level Displays also offer access to a cumulative record of each student's performance that depicts the rate and date of progress. This helpful display indicates whether a student is progressing consistently or has hit a plateau at a particular developmental level.